
Billboard Advertising In Maharashtra

Maharashtra is the wealthiest state by GDP and also the most industrialized state in India. The state contributes about 25% of the country’s industrial output and 23.2% of its GDP (2010–11).[8] As of 2011, the state had a per capita income of ₹1.0035 lakh(US$1,600), more than the national average of ₹0.73 lakh (US$1,100). Its GDP per capita crossed the ₹1.20 lakh (US$1,900) threshold for the first time in 2013, making it one of the richest states in India. However, as of 2014, the GDP per capita reduced to ₹1.03 lakh (US$1,600).

A digital billboard is a billboard that is created from computer programs and software. Digital billboards can be designed to display running text, display several different displays from the same company, and even provide several companies a certain time slot during the day. The constantly changing texts ensure maximum impact and wide exposure to target audiences.

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